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The returns under National Pension Scheme(NPS) have been far better than its competing products. NPS is one of the lowest cost pension scheme in the world.
The lower expense ratio would lead to higher retirement corpus in the knowledge sharing section

What is Retirement Planning ?

Retirement Planning is combination of

  • Determining what you want to do in retirement years
  • Determining how you will finance your retirement

Why Retirement Planning now ?

  • Migration of children and collapse of joint family system
  • Increased life expectancy
  • Increased expenses on health
  • Pensions, if any, Insufficient to sustain the living standards
  • Increased Cost of Living/Spending patterns
  • Savings to last for at least 2 decades

Steps for retirement planning

  • Estimate the corpus amount that you will need for your retirement
  • Calculate the value of your assets (at the time of retirement)
  • Calculate the gap between your need (1) and your existing savings (2)
  • Start investing in suitable products that can reduce or remove the gap in (3)
  • Even if you start with a small amount, increase your investments when your income increases every year
  • Review your plans periodically and make adjustments if necessary

The 5 Pillars on which Investment Decision rests

  • Safety
  • Liquidity
  • Returns
  • Expense Ratio of the Product
  • Tax Efficiency
The early you start, Better it is.
Starting early pays Much More..
See the comparisons of returns at retirement with same amount invested for 20 years at different ages.